


Competition Info


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Virginia Beer Blitz

of the Year

Leader Board

Ken Rygh ... 16
Carl Hayden ... 11
Norm Schaeffler ... 7
Bryan Flaherty ... 7
Click to show all.

CASK is a proud supporter of Independent Brewers (Craft and Home)!!
Welcome Homebrewers to CASK! The Colonial Ale Smiths & Keggers (CASK) is the Peninsula’s only local home brewing club. CASK is dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of homebrewing and beer appreciation in the Hampton Roads and Williamsburg areas of Virginia.  Members share knowledge, methods, new brewpub and microbrewery discoveries, and good homebrew at monthly meetings and special events. CASK typically meets the third Thursday of each month. Interested in Joining or attending a meeting? E-mail

Our next Meeting will be on Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the St George Brewing Company, 204 Challenger Way, Hampton VA (Directions).

The Styles of the Month, for discussion and competition, are Irish and Scottish Beers.

Member Dues: Member Dues are $35.00 a year.
Members can pay their dues online via PayPal by clicking on the button below. Renewing members will be dropped from the member list if they do not pay their dues by the end of the February meeting. You can also go directly to PayPal and send the payment to or you can pay your dues in cash, by check, or by credit card at a meeting.

Breaking News . . .

The results and scoresheets for the Eighteenth Annual Virginia Beer Blitz are HERE!
A big "Thank You!" to all of our sponsors, participants, judges, stewards, and volunteers who made it all possible.

To access your scoresheets, login to your account on the Online Registration System and scroll to the bottom to see your list of entries.

Congratulations to Ken Rygh
2024 CASK Homebrewer of the Year!

Hey! It is that time of the year again!
To remain a CASK member in good standing, members must pay their dues by the February meeting.
For information about paying your dues, please see above.

Don't Forget that
- All current CASK members receive a 10% discount, on everything in the store, at Brew & Bottle (11838 Canon Blvd, Suite 500, Newport News, VA 23606).

Colonial Ale Smith and Keggers
Williamsburg, VA

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